Arnhem 1944
Operation "Market Garden" (17.-25. september 1944) var et mislykket allieret forsøg på at afslutte Anden Verdenskrig i 1944.
Antal spiller: 2 - / Spilletid: 240 Min. / Alder 14+ / Sværhedsgrad: Medium-Heavy / Gen. Udgivet 2019
Andre vare fra TS Tactics And Strategy
It was fought in the Netherlands and Germany.
The success of the operation depended on taking a series of nine bridges, the last being at the city of Arnhem over the Rhine river.
Airborne and land forces succeeded in the liberation of the Dutch cities of Eindhoven and Nijmegen, but failed in keeping their farthest positions in and around the city of Arnhem including the bridge over the Rhine.
Polish and British airborne units suffered a heavy losses during their fights against SS armored units.
Detailed, battalion scale rules are making the game very exciting.