Boots on the Ground (Deluxe)
Boots on the Ground puts you in the middle of the action.
Start your mission as the Team leader of an elite group of operators.
Your team consists of a Demo expert, Heavy Weapons Expert, Medic, Scout, Sniper and you – the Leader.
Antal spiller: 1-3 / Spilletid: 30-90 Min. / Alder: 10+ / Level: Medium-Light / Udgivet 2010 (2024)
The world has changed since World War II.
Small battles and civil wars flare up around the world.
As one of the dominant super powers, the United States and its allies have the premier armies and equipment, responding to events across the globe.
Terrorist organizations and groups wage a new type of warfare of kidnapping, bombings, and destruction.
Your team of specialist are ready at a moments notice to respond, to get to the site as quickly as possible and get Boots on the Ground.
Originally released in 2010 with a paper map, 1 sheet of counters, and cardstock cards…this game was great, but we knew it could be even better with our top-notch components.
Now in 2024 we are proud to re-release it totally revamped with an all new hard mounted gameboard, updated box art, updated rules, new mission options, two sheets of rounded counters (with new counters), and updated poker style cards with all new art.
Game can be played Solo, Co-Operative, Two-Player Head-to-Head, and Three Player. Use cards to dictate the insurgents reactions and how the danger on the ground changes at a moments notice.
For rules: CLICK HERE
Virginia Beach, VA,