CDG Solo System

150,00 kr.
Varenummer: GMT2203

CDG Solo System er en revideret GMT udgave af Stuka Joe's CDG-solo-metode.


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Udgivet 2022

Andre vare fra GMT Games

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This system which streamlines two-handed solitaire gameplay by decreasing turn to turn overhead and maintenance.

This method of play increases narrative immersion as the great battles of history unfold on your tabletop.

The GMT edition of the CDG Solo System includes professionally printed components, a custom screen-printed die, an official ruleset, and Playsheets for six of GMT’s most popular Card Driven Games.

Gameplay Overview

The CDG Solo System plays alongside your favorite CDG and is designed to enhance your solitaire experience by reintroducing many of the best parts of wargaming that fall apart in standard two-handed play, namely, as Stuka Joe mentioned above, the narrative flow and the fog of war.

The CDG Solo System includes two Card Displays that are used to manage each side’s hand of strategy cards.

At the beginning of each Side's turn, you will roll a Fate Die to determine which of the cards in one or more of the slots are available for play.

Typically 2 or 3 cards are available at a time, but the final decision is ultimately yours.

After a card is played, the marker on the Cards Remaining track slides one spot to the left, and then it’s time to roll the die for the other side’s turn.