Dog Boats: Battle of the Narrow Seas

600,00 kr.
Varenummer:  CPS1188


Dog Boats: Battle of the Narrow Seas is a tactical-level wargame where you (as the Captain) take the command of either a Royal Navy Fairmile D motor gunboat (MGB) squadron or Vosper 72' motor torpedo boat (MTB) squadron in either the English Channel or North Sea from 1943-1944.

Your main goal is to survive the war while sinking as many enemy ships as you and your squadron can.

Antal spiller: 1 / Spilletid: 30 - 500 Min. / Alder: 14+ / Level: Medium-Light / Udgivet 2024

Varen kan desværre ikke købes, da der ikke er flere på lager
Priser er inkl. moms

Enemies you and your crewmen will face include a variety of enemy ships, including E-boats, R-Boats, and patrol aircraft.

Weather conditions and sea state are also modeled.

The player will move his squadron through various travel boxes on a map of the English Channel or North Sea during each mission on his way to the patrol area, then must successfully return back to home base.

Game components include a crewmen placement mats, strategic map mat, several Tables books, crewmen status sheets, campaign log sheet, and counter sheets representing individual MGBs, MTBs, enemy aircraft, warships, etc.

For booklet: CLICK HERE 


Two Counter Sheets of 5/8″ unit-counters (double-sided)

One Strategic Movement Map Board (mounted, double-sided)

One Fairmile D Gun Boat Crewmen Placement Board (Card Stock)

One Vosper 72’ Crewmen Placement Board (Card Stock)

Two Combat Boards (double-sided) (Card Stock) 8.5″ x 11″

One Boat Damage Log Sheet (double-sided) (Laminated Card Stock)

One Boat Squadron Status Sheet (Laminated Card Stock)

One Enemy Warship Status Sheet (Laminated Card Stock)

One Enemy Merchant Ship Status Sheet (Laminated Card Stock)

One Campaign Log Sheet (Paper Pad)

One Boat #1 Crew Status Sheet (Paper Pad)

One Boats #2-#4 Crew Status Sheet (Paper Pad)

Two Tables Books

One Rule Book

Four 10-sided dice, one 6-sided die, one 20-sided die, and one 4-sided die

Two erasable markers

Box and Lid