Don't Tread on Me: The American Revolution
This game though takes a very different perspective on the conflict as the player plays as the British side along with American Loyalist forces against the forces of George Washington and the Continental Congress as controlled by the game system’s AI.
Antal spiller: 1 / Spilletid: 240 Min. / Alder: 12+ / Sværhedsgrad: Medium / Udgivet: 2014
Andre vare fra White Dog Games
It is not only about battle, although it does definitely have its share of conflict, but it features a number of interesting aspects about the revolution including political control, state loyalty levels which change over time and due to events and the outcomes of battles, and even a system dealing with the naval aspect of the conflict in dealing with smugglers and their attempt to bring the rebels arms and ammunition.
Game Features
Land and Naval Combat
City Sieges
Rebel Campaigning
Loyalist Strongholds
Random Events
Battle Effects on Congress
Congress and State Politics
Canada Invasion
Winter Turn Attrition
French Intervention
and More!
For regler: TRYK HER
88 Thick, Laser-Cut Counters and Markers
16-Page Rulebook
17" x 22" Game Map
Double-Sided Scenarios Sheet
Dice NOT Provided