Field Commander Napoleon

850,00 kr.
Varenummer: DV1-010

Welcome to Field Commander: Napoleon, the third in our series of Field Commander games. 

Antal spiller: 1 / Spilletid: 180 min. / Alder: 12+ / Sværhedsgrad: Medium / Udgivet 2011

Andre vare fra Dan Verssen Games

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The goal in designing this game system was to make the careers of some of history’s great commanders accessible in an easy to learn, fast playing game format.

We decided on solitaire, because it had the proper feel.

Commanders have staff and advisors, but in the end, they alone make the hard decisions that affect lives, change the course of campaigns, and decide the fate of nations.

In this game, you make all the decisions needed to command your Forces. The game rules, charts, and die rolls dictate the actions of the opposing forces.

The 11 Campaigns include:

First Coalition 1796

Egypt 1798

Second Coalition 1800

Third Coalition 1805

Fourth Coalition 1806

Spain 1807

Fifth Coalition 1809

Russia 1812

Confederation of the Rhine 1813

France Invaded 1814

100 Days 1815

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Component List:

7 Large Full Color Wibalin-Wrapped Mounted Map Boards (11" x 17")

6 Full Color Counter sheets

1 Full Color Battle Map Board (8.5" x 11")

1 Full Color Player Log Sheet


Field Commander Napoleon DVGs biggest game to date, as befits the Empire, the Emperor, and his Grande Armee! The game is so massive it requires a 4" high box!

The game design focuses on the battlefield tactics and Napoleon's powerful personality. Through political and military cunning, Napoleon swept France to super-power status. In previous Field Commander games, supply was a primary concern. As the Emperor himself said, "An army travels on its stomach." In this game, Napoleon's achievements and public adulation drive all facets of game play. Be successful, gain the support of your troops and your countrymen, and you can achieve anything!

The game spans all of Napoleon's campaigns from Italy in 1796 to Waterloo in 1815.

Success depends on the vital balance between strategic and tactical focus. You must move your forces across the maps to achieve your strategic goals, but you must also out-think your opponents on the battlefield.

You can play each campaign as a stand-alone game, or as part of a linked series of games.

The 11 Campaigns include:

First Coalition 1796

Egypt 1798

Second Coalition 1800

Third Coalition 1805

Fourth Coalition 1806

Spain 1807

Fifth Coalition 1809

Russia 1812

Confederation of the Rhine 1813

France Invaded 1814

100 Days 1815

Each campaign has its own unique set of force counters that accurately detail the divisions and corps that participated in the campaign.

The force counters are a rectangular 0.625" by 1.25". This allows the use of Line and Column Formation tactics in battle! Each Force has a troop quality: Elite, Veteran, Line, Poor Line, or Conscript.

You command the French forces in your bid for world domination!

You command your forces forward across the continents! You command your forces across the battlefields of Europe, Asia, and Africa!

When you return, covered in glory and riches, it is you the citizens of France will be cheering!


The flexible game system, optional historic rules for each campaign, and the Lifetime Immortality system maximize replayability.

Target Audience:

This game is perfect for fans of Napoleon and solitaire games in general. The complexity level is ideal for both beginners and experienced gamers.