Hitler´s Reich

489,00 kr.
Varenummer: GMT1715

Ingen "stacking" af brikker med hære, ingen hex, ingen alt for lange regler at lære - Hitlers Reich tager fem minutter at opsætte og to timer (eller mindre!) At spille.

Antal spillere 1 - 2 / Spilletid 120 min. / Alder 14+ / Sværhedsgrad: Medium / Udgivet 2018

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Spillere kæmper over Europa, på tværs af Nordafrika, Atlanterhavet og Middelhavet samt ind i Rusland ved hjælp af et simpel terning/kampkortsammenlignings mekanisme.

Eller formuleret på en anden måde, "en samtidig afsløring af kort i stil med Twilight Struggles, men med et valg af, hvilket konfliktkort der skal spilles"  alt sammen med terninger tilføjet.

Brikker af høj kvalitets træ bruges til at markerer fremgang som understøtter det økonomiske, politiske og på slagmark gennem situationskort der bliver trukket fra tre unikke kortdæk: en til aksen, en til de allierede og en hvorfra begge sider kan forsøge at trække.

Hitlers Reich er den første af kort Conquest System-spilserien, hvor spillere genskaber episke militære situationer i historien.

Det er et spil som er forholdsvis enkel og nem at lære, men svært at mestre.

Spillet er designet til at blive sat op på få minutter og fyldt med nok historisk smag, spænding og beslutningstagning til at give dig følelsen af at være der på de højeste niveauer af kommando.

I Hitlers Rige er den ene side aksen i Nazityskland, det fascistiske Italien og deres østeuropæiske håndlangere.

Den anden er de allierede i USA, Storbritannien og Commonwealth sammen med Sovjetunionen.

Det er april 1941, og Hitler der allerede har indtaget Europa og meget af Middelhavet, er klar til at starte sin store march øst - Operation Barbarossa: invasionen af ​​Sovjet-Rusland.

Desværre for hans ambitioner er han Italienske partner i problemer, så han er presset til at bruge flere styrker i Balkan området, men hvorfor så invader Rusland?, måske for i stedet at overvinde England via ubåds kampagner, som inkludere besejring af Nord Afrika og Mellemøsten som så kan lede til en letter invasion af selve England?. Dette er en af de strategiske muligheder som Axes alliancen kan møde.

Vil du som den allierede overkommando lykkedes med at kaste dette angreb tilbage og til sidst befri Europe via en Sovjetisk modoffensive samt operation overlords amfibiske invasion af Frankrig?

Eller vil du som Akseleder besejre alt og skabe tusindårs imperiet som vil være Hitlers Reich.

Selvom Hitlers Reich er designet til to spillere, er en tre og fire spiller variant inkluderet til multi-player og holdspil samt mulighed for solo spil.

For Regler: TRYK HER


One 17 x 22 high quality mounted map

One deck of 54 playing cards

56 Hitler’s Reich “Events”

Ten six-sided dice

Assorted Wooden Pieces

2 player Aid Sheets/Cards (back printed) ​


One Game Set-Up Card back printed with Optional 10 Period Game Record Track: with historical arrival of events and the possibility of a “Sudden Death” game ending

Play Book: Which contains a host of Optional Rules to extend players interest and the challenges in solving the puzzles of this fascinating game

No stacks of armies, no hexes, no overly-lengthy rules to learn - Hitler’s Reich takes five minutes to set up and two hours (or less!) to play. 

Players fight over Europe, across North Africa, the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and into Russia using a simple dice-enhanced conflict card comparison combat mechanism.  Or, as one BGG poster better put it, "a simultaneous revelation of cards similar to Twilight Struggle’s Headline Phase, but with a choice of what Conflict Card to play" - all with dice added in. 

High-quality wooden pieces mark their progress, which is aided economically, politically and on the battlefield through the competition for and play of Event Cards drawn from three unique decks: one for the Axis, one for the Allies, and one from which either side can attempt to draw.

Hitler’s Reich is the first of the Card Conquest System game series in which players recreate epic military contests of history in short, comparatively simple and easy to learn, but hard to master games. 

Designed to be set up in minutes and played to conclusion in one sitting, these are not simulations but games, albeit ones packed with enough historical flavor, excitement, and decision making to give you the feeling of being there at the highest levels of command.

In Hitler’s Reich, one side is the Axis of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and their East European minions.  The other is the Allies of the United States, Great Britain and the Commonwealth, along with the Soviet Union. 

It is April of 1941 and Hitler, already master of Europe and much of the Mediterranean, is poised to launch his great march East – Operation Barbarossa: the invasion of Soviet Russia.

Unfortunately for his ambitions, his Italian partner is in trouble, so he is faced with pressure to divert forces to drive into the Balkans and commit more resources to the Western Desert. 

For that matter, why invade Russia?  Perhaps the defeat of Britain via a naval/U-Boat campaign including the conquest of North Africa and The Middle East, leading to an invasion of Great Britain itself is a better course to victory?  These are the kind of strategic choices the Axis faces.

As the Allied high command, will you succeed in throwing back this onslaught and eventually liberate Europe via a Soviet counter-offensive and Operation Overlord’s amphibious invasion of France? Or as the Axis leadership, will you triumph over all and create the thousand-year empire that would have been Hitler’s Reich.

Note: Although Hitler’s Reich is designed for two players, a three- and four-player variant is included for multi-player and team play as well as an intriguing solitaire game.