MBT Second Edition

699,00 kr.
Varenummer: GMT1519


MBT is a complete game system modeling the US 7th Army and the GSFG and CGF Soviet mechanized forces of 1987.

Antal spiller: 2 / Spilletid: 360min. / Alder: 14+ / Sværhedsgrad: Medium-Hard / Udg. 2016 Gen. Udgivet 2021

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It is M1 Abrams (105mm and 120mm armed version) versus a whole stable of Soviet armor with their T-80s, T-72s, T-64s, and upgraded models of T-62 and T-55.

There are even M60A3s sprinkled in to balance out the US tank inventory.

Bradley IFVs and CFVs mechanized units are set to take on their counterparts mounted in BMP 1,2s and even a few 3s.

Not to overlook M113A2s, BTRs and MT-LBs, which also make their appearance.

Mechanized infantry and their related weapons are in abundance, including M47 Dragon, M72 LAW, AT-7 Saxon, AT-4 Spigot and multiple RPG versions.

The scale is right down in the weeds with individual vehicles, infantry squads, half squads, and sections.

Each hex is just 100 meters across, so it is going to be nose-to-nose action at its finest.

The rules cover the total realm of modern mechanized combat with ATGMs, including TOW and deadly Soviet gun launched missiles like the AT-11 Sniper and AT-8 Songster, special armor (including ERA), advanced night fighting with thermal images and image intensifiers, advance artillery with ICM and laser-guided shells, helicopters, including the AH-64A Apache and Mi-24P Hind-F, attack aircraft, including the A-10A Warthog and SU-25 Frogfoot, and missile and gun-armed AA units to counter the deadly air threats.

Included MBT units:

US: Artillery Batteries, M1 Abrams, M106A2, M113A2, M125A2, M150, M163A1 PIVADS, M1A1 Abrams, M1IP Abrams,

M2A1 Bradley IFV, M3A1 Bradley CFV, M48 Chaparral, M551 Sheridan, M60 AVLB, M60A3, M901 ITV & M981 FISTV, M998; Leg units

US fliers: A-10A Thunderbolt II, AH-64A Apache & AH-1F Cobra, F-16C Fighting Falcon, OH-58C & Um-12A2 OH-58D, UH-1H, UH-60A

Soviet: 2S1, 2S3, 9K22 Tunguska, 9K31, 9K35, ACRV, Artillery, BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-3, BRDM-2, BRDM-2 ATGM, BRM-1, BTR-70, BTR-80, MT-55A AVLB, MT-LB, NSV HMG, SPG-9, T-55M, T-62MV, T-64BV, T-72AV, T-72BA, T-80BV, T-80U, ZSU-23-4

Soviet fliers: Mi-2, Mi-24P Hind-F, Mi-24V Hind-E, Mi-8, MiG-27 Flogger-J, Su-25 Frogfoot

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6 full color counter sheets

5 10” x 27¾” double-sided geomorphic map boards

28 full-color 5” x 4” Data Cards

2 Full-color Rulebooks (Basic and Advanced)

Full-color Playbook

2 11” x 17” Game Cards

5 Player Aid Cards

4 10-sided dice



PO Box 1308

Hanford, CA 93230
