Panzer Strike France 44 - Pocket
The game represents a tank battle in some French town during 1944.
Antal spiller: 2 / Spilletid: 20 - 90 Min. / Alder: 12+ / Sværhedsgrad: Let / Udgivet 2017
Andre vare fra Forsage Games
On each side (Allied and German) are three types of tanks: light, medium and heavy. In fact, a simple game with countless tactical combinations.
Characteristics of tanks are in tables A and B (speed, armor, gun ...).
Table A is with average characteristics of light, medium and heavy tanks.
In table B are characteristics of some specific tanks: on German side are Tiger, Pz.IV and Pz.38t ; and on allied side are Churchill, Sherman and Covenanter.
Board is double sided, on one side is northern part of the town, and on the other is southern part.
- Box 13 x 11 x 2,5 cm (5 x 4 x 1 in)
- Board (double sided) 42 x 32 cm (16 x 12 in)
- 60 plastic pieces
2 x 8 heavy tanks
2 x 12 medium tanks
2 x 10 light tanks
- 5 dice with stickers
- 9 damage markers (yellow)
- 9 barricades
- 4 flags
- a ruler
- table chart
- short rules