Test of Faith: The Arab-Israeli War of 1973
Den 6. oktober 1973 angreb de arabiske styrker i Syrien og Egypten Israel.
Angrebet fandt sted på den allerhelligste af dage for jøder i et forsøg på at fange israelerne så uforberedte som muligt.
I starten var det en stor succes.
Syriske styrker marcherede gennem de svage og spredte styrker i Golanhøjderne, mens egyptiske styrker let krydsede den store Suez-kanal og etablerede en stærk forsvarslinje langs kanalens østbred og under deres stærke paraply af land-til-luft missilstøtte , afventede det uundgåelige israelske modangreb.
Og modangreb gjorde israelerne - kun for at blive chokeret over effektiviteten af nye sovjetiske våben og overraskende arabisk beslutsomhed.
Antal spiller: 1 - 4 / Spilletid: 120 - 700 Min. / Alder: 12+ / Sværhedsgrad: Medium-Heavy / Udgivet 2022
Andre vare fra Compass Games
The battle would take unexpected turns as the Israelis finally found answers to the new technology of the Arab army and fought off the challenge – even attacking into Syria and Egypt in the final stages of the battle.
But both sides could claim victory in this war.
The Israelis were still king of the battlefield, but their throne was more uneasy than ever before.
The Arabs proved they could defeat the Israelis in open battle and now were a force to be recognized and respected.
The war had changed everything in the region.
A Test of Faith is a new game in the Operational Scale Series using the new added rules from the Doomsday Project to show this war in a way that has not been seen before.
Highly playable but with an emphasis on command and equipment, OSS uses an impulse system to create a test and challenging game to play, but also with new research, plenty of historical narrative.
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Three Maps at 22” by 34” – one for the fight in the Golan Heights and two for the fight in the Sinai
Five 5/8ths inch Countersheets
Six Player Aids and Charts
One Rulebook
Two Six-sided dice and two ten-sided dice
One Box and lid