The Last Hundred Yards

500,00 kr.
Varenummer: GMT1902

The Last Hundred Yards is unlike any tactical wargame published to date.

It introduces innovative systems intended to model Small Unit Behavior in Combat during WW2.

It is fun, fast-paced, and provides a very good simulation of what it was like to command combat units at the platoon or company level.

2nd Printing

Antal spiller: 2 / Spilletid: 60 - 180 Min. / Alder: 14+ / Sværhedsgrad: Medium / Udgivet 2019

Andre vare fra GMT Games

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The game is purposely designed to deliver a brisk yet intensive gaming experience that forces many decisions upon you as you take command of an infantry company in Western Europe after the D-Day landings.

Initiative and Advantage:  In The Last Hundred Yards, only the player winning the initiative has a proactive game turn; his opponent is limited to reaction only. 

Generally, the attacker has the initiative or momentum at the beginning of a small unit combat as the result of plans and preparation, so he generally dictates the action.

The defender will generally react to the attacker's actions, hoping at some point to blunt or take away the attacker's momentum. 

This is represented in The Last Hundred Yards by player advantage and the importance of winning the initiative.

Simultaneous vs Sequential:

In small unit combat, things are happening simultaneously.

In an attack on an enemy position, some units of a formation provide cover fire to suppress the enemy, while other units maneuver against the enemy position.

These actions take place simultaneously. But, in most current tactical games, opportunity fire is sequential and is typically represented by the Phasing Player moving a unit or stack of units a single hex at a time, giving the non-phasing player an opportunity to fire.

Then he moves into the next hex, again giving the non-phasing player an opportunity to fire, etc.

Once he has finished moving one unit or stack of units, he selects another and repeats the process until he has moved all of his units.

Not only is this very time consuming, but it's often unrealistic as well. First, the phasing player can adjust his move depending on the opportunity fire result. In reality, all these things are happening at the same time.

Each player’s units would be moving and firing simultaneously and may not know or see where the enemy maneuvered.

In The Last Hundred Yards, simultaneous movement and opportunity fire are modeled primarily through the Action / Reaction Cycle and Fire Mechanics.

Winning the Game:

In each mission or operation, an attacking player must achieve a specific objective.

Once accomplished, the attacking player's score is based on the time required to complete the mission, additional mission objective points, and the casualty differential between the sides.

The mission objective points and the casualty differential are added or subtracted from the time required to complete the objective.

Based on the final score, the attacker will either win, lose or draw.

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