World In Flames: Collectors Edition Classic Game
World in Flames, det er ikke et spil, det er en hobby i en æske!
Det er daggry september 1939, og krigens mørke skyer svæver over kloden. Kina og Japan har allerede kæmpet i mere end 2 år, og nu er en kontinental krig ved at sprede sig over hele verden, en verden i flammer.
Antal spiller: 2, 4 - 5 / Spille tid: 120 - 4800 min. / Alder: 12+ / Sværhedsgrad: Heavy / Udgivet 2017
Andre vare fra Australian Design Group
The World in Flames Collector’s Edition Classic game consists of the:
World in Flames Rules set;
World in Flames map set;
World in Flames Classic counters set;
box & 2 ten-sided dice.
Everything you need to play the game.
The World in Flames Rules set consists of:
the rule book (incl. 2 x A4 builds charts);
The Campaign & Players’ Guide (sections 24-30 of the rules including scenario and campaign set ups); and
5 x A3 full-colour game charts.
The World in Flames Map set consists of:
4 large (574 x 820mm) full-colour hard-mountedmaps covering most of the world (West Europe & Africa, East Europe & the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific);
One 297 x 420 mm full-colour hard-mounted map of The Americas; and
One 297 x 420 mm full-colour hard-mounted Turn record chart.
The World in Flames Classic Counters set consists of 1600 (12.7 x 12.7 mm) countersrepresenting the armies, navies and air forces of World War II (countersheets 1-6, 24 & 46);